Lugano Wine Bar & Salumeria


(203) 990-0955


10 Forest Street

New Canaan, CT 06840

Phone: (203) 966-8666

Lugano Wine Bar & Salumeria
Lugano Wine Bar & Salumeria


(203) 990-0955


1392 E Putnam Ave Old Greenwich CT 06870


Lugano Wine Bar and Salumeria, named after the only Italian speaking town in southern Switzerland, opened in July 2015. Our trademark is our salumeria, which offers a wide assortment of unique cured Italian meats and cheeses. In addition to our salumi selections, we offer many other food and drink options, which appeal to many restaurant goers, depending on what you’re in the mood for.

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  • Kool and the Gang at The Palace Stamford Theatre on May 16th
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